Everyone Needs a Good Day at Work

What Are Emotional Support Clowns?

Emotional Support Clowns, or ESCs, provide therapeutic benefits to specific people with psychological issues like anxiety, phobias, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Like other medical solutions, an emotional support clown dows not need be prescribed by a licensed mental health professional.

Emotional support clowns are a critical component of how they deal with otherwise disabling challenges. Unlike emotional support dogs, emotional support clowns are not trained to do specific tasks, like pressing an alert button when they sense their diabetic companion’s blood sugar is dangerously low. ESCs serve a simple, yet extremely important purpose: to provide comfort to their owners. Whether the clown stays close so they’re available to entertain you, or simply stays close to provide companionship, they offer valuable emotional support and require no special training for this mission.

Emotional support animals may accompany their owners on commercial airlines. ESCs have the legal right to visit public places with owners.